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学名:Dinera xuei
Male. Head black in ground color, face pale reddish yellow and gena reddish brown, with grayish white pruinosity; frontal vitta dark brown and lunule reddish brown; antenna dark brown to black; palpus dark brown, slightly paler basally. Frons strongly narrowed in front of ocellar triangle, at the narrowest point 1/18-1/20 head width; parafacial about 3 times as wide as flagellomere 1, facial carina high, anterior surface weakly rounded, arched in lateral view; gena slightly more than 2/5 eye height; lower margin of face protruding forward. Inner vertical seta fine hair-like, about 1/4 as long as ocellar seta; outer vertical seta hair-like; ocellar seta strong, more than 1/2 eye height; 8-9 inclinate frontal setae, longest seta slightly shorter than ocellar seta; fronto-orbital plate with only a few minute black hairs; parafacial bare; vibrissa inserted above vibrissal angle by about length of pedicel; upper occiput with 2-3 rows of black hairs behind postocular setae. Antenna falling short of lower margin of face by about 2/5 length of flagellomere 1; base of antenna nearly level with lower 1/4 of eye height; pedicel with a long seta that is as long as flagellomere 1; flagellomere 1 about 4 times as long as pedicel; total width of arista including plumosity 2-2.5 times as wide as flagellomere 1. Prementum slightly shorter than eye height; palpus about 1.2 times as long as pedicel and flagellomere 1 combined. Thorax black in ground color, with dense yellowish gray pruinosity; 5 black longitudinal vittae on presutural area of scutum and 3 black vittae on postsutural scutum, 3 median vittae of presutural area sometimes diffusing marginally and fused with each other. Postpronotal lobe with 3 setae; 0-1+2 ac, 2+3 dc, 0+2 ia; 3 sa, anterior one smaller; scutellum without distinct discal setae, subapical scutellar seta strong, about 2.5 times as long as scutellum and slightly longer than basal seta; apical scutellar seta 0.8 as long as subapical seta. Wing hyaline, evenly and faintly tinged with pale brown; tegula black and basicosta reddish yellow; calypter yellowish. Costal spine short but distinct; relative length of costal second, third and fourth sections approximately as 4:9:5; vein M from dm-cu crossvein to its bend about 1.5 times distance between the bend and wing margin; cell r4+5 open. Legs black, pulvilli yellowish. Fore tibia with 2 p; mid tibia with 1 ad, 3-4 pd and 1 v; hind tibia with 3-5 ad, 2 pd and 1-2 v, apical pv strong. Abdomen long ovate, black in ground color, with densely yellowish gray pruinosity, bases of strong setae sometimes narrowly tinged with brown. Syntergite 1+2 excavated only at base, with 2 median marginal and 1-2 lateral marginal setae; tergite 3 with 2 median marginal and 1-2 lateral marginal setae; tergites 4 and 5 each with a row of strong marginal setae, tergite 5 with several fine irregularly set discal setae. Sternite 1 with pale hairs; posterior lobe of sternite 5 bluntly rounded at apex, V-shaped median cleft deep and moderately wide. Male terminalia. Cerci long and strongly narrowed on apical 2/3, pointed apically; surstylus narrowed on apical half and bent outward in dorsal view, wide and bluntly rounded in lateral view; pregonite long and bent, postgonite shorter than basiphallus; distiphallus long, membranous apical part about 1.5 times as long as sclerotized basal part; ejaculatory apodeme small; aedeagal apodeme slender and pointed apically. Female. Differing from male as follows: Vertex about 1/3 head width; frontal vitta nearly parallel-sided, slightly narrower than fronto-orbital plate at middle; gena about 3/5 eye height; inner vertical seta strong, slightly shorter than eye-height; outer vertical seta about 1/2 as long as inner seta; 1 outwardly directed prevertical seta, slightly shorter than outer vertical seta; ocellar seta 3/4 as long as inner vertical seta; 2 strong proclinate orbital setae, subequal in length and slightly longer than ocellar setae; 4-5 inclinate frontal setae; base of antenna nearly level with lower 1/4 of eye height. Mid tibia with 2 ad, 2-3 pd and 1 v; hind tibia with 3 ad, 2 pd and 1 v; claw and pulvillus shorter than 5th tarsomere.Abdomen more ovate; median discal setae absent on tergites.